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On November 4-6, 2023 ITMF Annual Conference Keqiao Shaoxing China was held in Keqiao, Shaoxing. The conference focused on the theme of "Digitalization and Circularity Megatrends Shaping the Textile Industry", and explored the transformation and cooperation of the global textile industry. Nearly 1,000 people attended the conference, including textile experts and business leaders from nearly 60 countries and regions around the world, well-known domestic experts, leaders of large enterprises and organizations, government representatives of textile industry clusters, and representatives of the news media.
As an important platform for promoting industrial consensus and strengthening cooperation in the global value chain, the ITMF unites the constructive strength of the textile industry in various countries (regions) and effectively promotes the openness, integration, innovation and sustainable development of the global textile industry. In 2021,the ITMF Sustainability & Innovation Award approved by the Management Committee of the ITMF,it has been established to recognize the sustainability and innovation achievements of the textile industry, and is awarded to enterprises, organizations or individuals that have significantly improve the textile manufacturing industry in the integrated areas of innovation and sustainable development.
In 2023, a total of five projects around the world will receive the ITMF Sustainability & Innovation Award, with WinnerMedical’s"Biodegradable Nanofiber Masks" project receiving the award.
Более 95% компонентов биоразлагаемой маски являются био-основанным сырьем и могут быть биоразлагаемы со скоростью деградации ≥ 95%, что занимает всего 180 дней и снижает загрязнение и выбросы углерода в окружающую среду. Внутренний и внешний слои маски изготовлены из натурального хлопка, а фильтрующий слой использует «фильтрующую пленку Nanofiber» вместо традиционной ткани meltblown. «Фильтрующая пленка Nanofiber»-это биоразлагаемое и возобновляемое сырье, которое не только биоразлагаемое, но и более стабильное по характеристикам фильтрации и сопротивлению вентиляции, а также позволяет маске обеспечивать защитные характеристики при одновременном повышении комфорта при ношении.
As a leader in the domestic health industry,WinnerMedical actively responds to the national dual-carbon policy, continues to invest in the research and development of new products and gradually promotes the whole line of products, "cotton alternative", to take practical action to lead the medical environmental protection trend, and promote the sustainable development of the medical industry.